Friday, October 16, 2015

Assignment 2: Data Update 1

For my final report, I will be using the “Food Vendors” dataset. This dataset includes the location and information about the food vendors specifically on the streets of Vancouver. It is not inclusive of roaming food vendors. The URL for my dataset is:

This dataset contains the key, latitude, longitude, vendor type, status, business name and the location of the food vendors on Vancouver streets. Here is a list of the attributes in detail:

·      KEY: A unique identifier for each street food vendor business
·      LAT: The latitude of the vendor measured from the equator in degrees.
·      LON: The longitude of the vendor measured in degrees from the Zero Meridian.
·      VENDOR_TYPE: The type of vendor business.
·      STATUS: Either as open (food cart permit has been issued) or Pending (permit is in application, evaluation or renewal stage)
·      BUSINESS_NAME: The business name of the vendor.
·      LOCATION: The approximate location of the vendor business.
·      DESCRIPTION: The type of food the vendor sells.

I don’t understand why some business names are left blank in the Excel file. The dataset attributes explains that if this field is left blank, then it is similar to the Description field data. Even though it describes the type of food, it still leaves me wondering what the actual business name is. I could find out the real name by wandering the streets of Vancouver and locating each business, although this would take too much time.

Some questions I hope to answer with my data include:

1.     What are the most common types of street vendors in Vancouver?

2.     Where is the most populated area with food vendors in Vancouver?
3.     How many street vendors are open or pending?


  1. As far as the theme, if you wish, for this analysis, I think this would be great for tourists. They would be able to find out where to get what they want when they arrive to Vancouver and it would be easy for them to figure out where to go. Great choice!

  2. I agree that this will be really useful to tourists. As for the business names, it's unfortunate that they are left blank but I wonder if you could contact the city of Vancouver and ask them what the deal is? I think that having the names will really improve the utility of this potential visualization for hungry tourists. If a vendor looks good on paper but is called something like "Gil's Grits n' Grease," I might turn the other way when I get there...

  3. I think you find a very intersting topic, Crystal. This analysis will not only helps tourists, but also local people to find out what kind of Vendor food in Vancouver. Sometimes vendor food can be lot more intersting than having food in the restaurant.

  4. This should be a very interesting topic. It's nice that the data set is zeroed in to the streets of Vancouver. It makes the project very applicable to us. I find it odd that some of the business names being blank. I feel like that shouldn't have been to hard to get in the data sheet.

  5. This is a great topic. It's perfect for tourists who are visiting the city but also for those who live here and need to know a place where they can grab a quick bite. The business names being blank is kind of weird. Maybe because they didn't actually register an actual name?
